Invisalign organise son Symposium scientifique en ligne
Invisalign a mis en place un véritable studio de télévision pour présenter, à distance, ses dernières innovations, les 15 et 16 mai 2020.

Voici le programme (en anglais) et les intervenants du Symposium Invisalign :
Invisalign Scientific Symposium – 15th May 2020
• Markus Sebastian Opening and Align Vision
• Dr. Alessandro Greco (Italy) Changing the paradigm of Deep Bite Treatment with Invisalign Aligners
• Dr. Dieter Brothag (Germany) Retrospective Review of the Deep Bite Treatments
• Dr. Federico Migliori (Italy) Skeletal and dentoalveolar effects produced by Aligners and Elastics in Class II growing patients
• Dr. Simona Dianiskova (Slovakia) Correction of Class II malocclusion in growing patients with Aligners
• Dr. Sandra Tai (USA) Class II malocclusion treated with Invisalign with Mandibular advancement feature and twin block appliance compared with historical controls
• Dr. Thomas Felkai (Germany) Surgery first or surgery last ? A comparative study of skeletal Class III patients treated with Invisalign and surgery
• Dr. Beena Harkison Closing
Invisalign Scientific Symposium – 16th May 2020
• Dr. Thomas Drechsler & Dr Christina Erbe (Germany) Prevalence and incidence of white spot lesions during aligner therapy compared to treatment with multibracket appliances
• Dr. Kamy Malekian (Spain) Invisalign treatments in patients following stabilization of the periodontium
• Dr. Silvia Caruso (Italy) Arch expansion pattern using clear aligners: a three-dimensional retrospective study in paediatric subjects with posterior crossbite
• Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio & Dr. Francesco Garino (Italy) Invisalign First: maxillary expansion with aligners in growing patients
• Dr. David Couchat (France) Impacted teeth in growing patients
• Dr Mitra Derakhshan & John Morton Data and Science Based & Introducing the New Product Innovations
• Dr Beena Harkison & Dr Mitra Derakhshan Poster Winner Announcement & Closing
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