Invisalign organise son Symposium scientifique en ligne

Invisalign a mis en place un véritable studio de télévision pour présenter, à distance, ses dernières innovations, les 15 et 16 mai 2020.

Par Eleonore Varini, publié le 04 May 2020

Invisalign organise son Symposium scientifique en ligne

Voici le programme (en anglais) et les intervenants du Symposium Invisalign :

Invisalign Scientific Symposium – 15th May 2020

• Markus Sebastian Opening and Align Vision
• Dr. Alessandro Greco (Italy) Changing the paradigm of Deep Bite Treatment with Invisalign Aligners
• Dr. Dieter Brothag (Germany) Retrospective Review of the Deep Bite Treatments
• Dr. Federico Migliori (Italy) Skeletal and dentoalveolar effects produced by Aligners and Elastics in Class II growing patients
• Dr. Simona Dianiskova (Slovakia) Correction of Class II malocclusion in growing patients with Aligners
• Dr. Sandra Tai (USA) Class II malocclusion treated with Invisalign with Mandibular advancement feature and twin block appliance compared with historical controls
• Dr. Thomas Felkai (Germany) Surgery first or surgery last ? A comparative study of skeletal Class III patients treated with Invisalign and surgery
• Dr. Beena Harkison Closing

Invisalign Scientific Symposium – 16th May 2020

• Dr. Thomas Drechsler & Dr Christina Erbe (Germany) Prevalence and incidence of white spot lesions during aligner therapy compared to treatment with multibracket appliances
• Dr. Kamy Malekian (Spain) Invisalign treatments in patients following stabilization of the periodontium
• Dr. Silvia Caruso (Italy) Arch expansion pattern using clear aligners: a three-dimensional retrospective study in paediatric subjects with posterior crossbite
• Dr. Tommaso Castroflorio & Dr. Francesco Garino (Italy) Invisalign First: maxillary expansion with aligners in growing patients
• Dr. David Couchat (France) Impacted teeth in growing patients
• Dr Mitra Derakhshan & John Morton Data and Science Based & Introducing the New Product Innovations
• Dr Beena Harkison & Dr Mitra Derakhshan Poster Winner Announcement & Closing

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